Maiden Erlegh


After School Clubs

From time to time students may have the opportunity to participate in educational or recreational activities before and after school.

Where attendance is optional we will not notify parents of activities which take place between 8.00 a.m. and 8.40 a.m. or between 2.55 p.m. and 4.30 p.m.  Students will be expected to let their parents know in these cases. A register of attendance will be taken so that we will know who is on the school site. Where learning support is organised on a ‘drop in’ basis at these times, students will be required to sign in and out.

Parents will be notified in advance, and their consent sought if the activity:

  • is compulsory
  • finishes after 4.30 or starts before 8.00
  • involves payment or activities which are not normally encountered in lessons. 

(Students participating in school sports fixtures are excluded from this provision and on may leave the care of school staff after 4.30.)

In all cases we expect parents to make the necessary arrangement for the safe return home of students following after school activities.