Maiden Erlegh


Careers Awards

 Careers Hub

We are proud to announce that Maiden Erlegh School has been selected to become a Careers Hub School.


We are delighted to be one of 20 schools involved in the Thames Valley Berkshire Careers Hub. The Hub, managed by Thames Valley Berkshire Local Enterprise Partnership, aims to improve careers education and increase employer engagement, allowing young people to make more informed choices about their future careers. It brings together schools with employers, universities, training providers and career professionals to improve outcomes for young people, through a relentless focus on best practice. Career planning and career management skills are absolutely key to ensuring that our young people can fulfil their potential.


Careers and Enterprise Company Award


We are proud to announce that on Thursday 31 January 2019, Maiden Erlegh School in Earley was presented with an award from The Careers and Enterprise Company. Katherine Horler OBE (Chief Executive of Adviza and one of the Local Enterprise Partnership Executive Board of Directors) congratulated the school on their commitment to creating powerful relationships between education and employers to support young people through the national Enterprise Adviser Network. We are one of only three schools in the country to receive this award and we are very proud of this achievement.


Berkshire Apprenticeship Award 2018


We are proud to announce that on Thursday 22 November 2018, Maiden Erlegh School won ‘Most Innovative Education-based Apprenticeship Promotion’ at The Berkshire Apprenticeship Awards held at Legoland Resort Hotel. This award confirms the hard work we have done to raise awareness of apprenticeships to students as a viable destination route so that they are able to make informed decisions about their own future.

Careers Programme Case Study

We are pleased to share with you that the Thames Valley Berkshire Advisor Network has recently written a case study about the Maiden Erlegh School Careers Programme. We were chosen as an exemplar of best practice and the information will be published nationally. We are proud that our hard work has been recognised and that our Careers Programme is having a significant positive impact upon the future destination choices of our students. Click here to view the case study.