Maiden Erlegh


Higher Ability and Gifted Students

At Maiden Erlegh School we are determined to provide enrichment opportunities, to ensure pace and challenge in lessons for all students, including our high ability students.

In 2009, Maiden Erlegh School was the first school in Wokingham to achieve the prestigious national NACE Challenge Award for excellence in provision for high ability students. We were re-accredited this several times and most recently in 2022.

On arrival in Year 7, students are identified as High Ability Plus Students (HAP+) or High Ability Students (HAP) based on their Key Stage 2 scores. Students can also be identified as Gifted based on exceptional performance in particular subjects.

Class registers identify high ability students and teachers use that information to ensure that lessons and homework stretch them sufficiently. All departments have specific strategies for meeting the needs of high ability students and schemes of work show what provision is made for them.

Heads of Department keep logs of students who are gifted in their subject areas and ensure they are given opportunities to use and develop their skills and talents in lessons and outside the classroom. A number of extra-curricular and enrichment activities are provided during the course of the year to provide additional appropriate opportunities.

To support our students we run our Silver Programme for Foundation Level students, the Gold Programme for Key Stage 4 students and the Platinum Programme for Key Stage 5 students. Each programme has a detailed schedule of sessions that focus on developing higher level thinking skills.

Leadership of Higher Ability Student Provision - Maiden Erlegh School - Mrs A Morgan

Leadership of Key Stage 5 Higher Ability Student Provision and the Platinum Programme – Miss A Cheshire

Leadership of Key Stage 4 and Foundation Higher Ability Student Provision – Mr P Gillett

Leadership of the Silver and Gold Programme – Mr J Whorriskey