Maiden Erlegh


Off Site Activities

All students are encouraged to participate in trips and visits as we believe they are a valuable enrichment to the taught curriculum.  Departments and pastoral staff are responsible for the organisation of trips and visits.  For each trip or visit, a letter will be sent to parents providing the relevant details and a consent form.  In order to enable your child to participate in the trip, you must return the signed consent form to school by the deadline stated along with any associated deposit and/or voluntary contribution or fee. Please write to the Headteacher if the suggested contribution causes a problem.


Due to a change in legislation there is no longer a requirement for a medical form to be completed for each low risk trip.  We will therefore use the medical and contact information we hold for your child on our records.  It is vital that the school is kept up-to-date with your child’s medical situation and any changes in contact details.  This is your responsibility as parents and carers.  If your child has outgrown any medication please inform us in writing and we will remove this information from your child’s medical record e.g. childhood asthma.  If your child’s record states that they need an inhaler, then they must have the inhaler with them for the duration of the trip or visit.  Similarly if your child has recently been diagnosed or had a change in medication, please inform the school in writing via the office so we can update our records. A trip with a higher risk e.g. an expedition may require an additional medical form to be completed.