Maiden Erlegh




At Maiden Erlegh the PE department wants to inspire and engage all of you to succeed and become more independent. You will get to develop skills and techniques in physical activities and sports, but also in your ability to work with others in lots of different ways, unravel new ways of thinking and working, lead others and be led by others and take part in lots of various types of lessons.


Find a space anywhere you like and complete this set of exercises, 5 times, with a 1 minute rest in between each group of 5:

  • 3 star jumps, 3 press ups, 3 squats, 3 sit-ups, 3 tuck jumps - 1 minute rest!
  • 3 star jumps, 3 press ups, 3 squats, 3 sit-ups, 3 tuck jumps - 1 minute rest!

Now repeat 3 more times!

Thinking about exercise…

1. What happened to your heart beat, breathing rate and body temperature as you were exercising?

2.  Why do you think these changes occurred in your body, as you were exercising?