Sixth Form

Sixth Form

Maiden Erlegh is among the best schools and sixth forms in the country. Students here overwhelmingly meet or exceed their potential at A level, indeed progress is typically well above average. As a result, students go on to their chosen university courses, including Oxbridge and other prestigious establishments, but also increasingly they are securing advanced and degree level apprenticeships.

We are a large Sixth Form but we work with students as an individual as they embark on their 16-19 Study Programme. They will have their own individual learning plan based on their personal aspirations for the future. For students, the main part of this plan is taken up with A level and/or Technical courses and the independent study underpinning them. Our responsibility is to ensure students have the information and skills necessary to secure the best destination for them when they leave us, and that they are equipped and confident to go forwards into your adult life. To this end, the individual learning plan includes a programme of sessions and events which will help them prepare for life beyond the Sixth Form.

This includes work related learning, enrichment, Personal Development (including Personal, Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education) and a period of work experience which we expect all students to undertake. In addition to this formal plan, students will have extra-curricular and student leadership opportunities which we encourage all students to participate in. Student Committees are lively and active in decision making as well as in arranging social events. The Head Boy and Head Girl and their deputies liaise regularly with senior staff to ensure the student voice is heard. Through opportunities such as these, not only will students grow in confidence and develop a range of “soft” skills ready for life after the Sixth Form, they will also meet fantastic people, give back to the school community and have fun!

Students joining the sixth form all attend an enrolment morning in August, where their subjects are confirmed. Through the Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) which are held termly between students and their tutors, the students agree a core learning aim and work experience and voluntary service is tracked. The expectation is that students undertake 30 hours of community service in Year 12 as well as arrange an appropriate placement for work experience, to be completed by Year 13.

Please find further information about our Sixth Form within this section including the prospectus which can be found here.

Anne Cheshire
Head of Sixth Form