Maiden Erlegh


Subject Intent and Implementation

Sciences at GCSE: AQA

Curriculum Intent

  • Inspire students to consider STEM based careers.
  • Develop the problem solving capability of all students.
  • Development of practical based skills of all students.
  • Build upon the literacy and numeracy taught across the school and emphasise the scientific terminology and data analysis skills.
  • Develop student independent learning skills in line with school policy.
  • Maintain the popularity of the subject as an A level option through engaging and thought provoking lessons at KS4

Curriculum Implementation

  • Use of targeted questioning.
  • Clear routines/expectations in place for transitions, presentation or work/DIRT, pair/group work etc.
  • Knowledge/skills reviews will take place each topic in the form of skills based assessments. .
  • Students will be trained to select and use resources independently (BBBB).
  • Exercise books will be developed as key resources with standardised presentation and retrieval codes.
  • Homework will be used to consolidate and extend knowledge and skills.
  • Teachers will ensure that students understand the place of each learning within sequences of learning.
  • Teachers will develop students ability to problem solve through the use of practical investigations and application of knowledge.
  • Sequencing is at the heart of our SoW.  This rationale outlines what students learned at the previous key stage, what they will learn in the topic and how this links to the next key stage. This will enable students to not only develop mastery of key concepts but also develop an appreciation of the subject as a whole.