Maiden Erlegh


Subject Intent and Implementation

Religious Studies: Edexcel

Curriculum Intent

  • All students will make strong progress in Religion and Philosophy (RP)
  • Students will develop tolerance, respect and understanding of others from different religious and cultural backgrounds
  • Students will develop religious literacy so that they can engage in religious and ethical discussions respectfully and accurately 
  • All students will encounter a wide range of religious, philosophical and secular perspectives throughout their study of RP
  • All students (unless withdrawn by parents) will complete the full course GCSE in Religious Studies
  • Take-up of Philosophy, Ethics and Religion at post-16 will increase
  • Students will encounter the study of ethics and philosophy from the start of the Foundation course to enhance their understanding of religion
  • Reading and oracy strategies will support the school’s wider strategies
  • Students will be given opportunities to have exposure to religious and humanist guest speakers
  • Quality first teaching and assessment for learning will be exemplary and consistent across specialist and non-specialist teaching staff in the department
  • The RP curriculum will support knowledge and understanding of topics including British Values, extremism/radicalisation in light of the Prevent Strategy, Relationship and Sex Education including tolerance of different sexualities, awareness of STIs and different methods of contraception, puberty, pornography, body image and mental health through the delivery of stand-alone Personal Development lessons from years 7-10, alongside Personal Development topics which are integrated into the RP curriculum.
  • The RP curriculum will develop the ‘soft’ skills of collaborative work, communication skills and questioning
  • Students will be made aware of the career opportunities opened up in gaining an RP qualification and questions about careers will also be included during visits from different religious and humanist guest speakers

Curriculum Implementation

  • Clear routines and expectations in place in all lessons for transitions, the presentation of work and DIRT work
  • Students’ engagement with questioning and reflecting on concepts related to RP will be developed
  • Rote learning techniques and other metacognition techniques taught to students where appropriate and homework activities will incorporate the rote learning of beliefs, key terminology and scriptural quotations
  • Knowledge and skills reviews will take place after each sequence of work, through detailed DIRT lessons and personal reflections on their own progress
  • Students given the opportunities to interpret religious scripture to develop decoding, inference and vocabulary acquisition
  • Students will be trained to be independent learners through references to BBBB
  • Exercise books at KS3 and 4 to be developed as key resources to aid reflection and revision.  At KS3, these exercise books will also include assessment pieces, teacher feedback and significant DIRT work.  At KS4, students have assessment books (in addition to their exercise books) which only include assessment pieces, clear and purposeful teacher marking alongside significant DIRT work (exercise books are to be developed as revision tools, where no marking is expected to take place.)  At KS5, students have folders which are developed as revision tools, where no marking is expected to take place and their assessment books include only assessment pieces, clear and purposeful teacher marking, alongside significant DIRT work.
  • Homework will be used to consolidate and extend knowledge and skills, in the main focusing on revision, research, rote learning and reflection.
  • Teachers will ensure students reflect on their progress within sequences of learning