Maiden Erlegh


Using & Applying Mathematics

Why study Using and Applying Mathematics?

U&A Mathematics is designed for post-16 students who want to continue studying mathematics but not at A level. This mathematics qualification will help you retain, deepen, and extend your mathematical skills to be better prepared for higher education and employment.

The course is not an AS level, but is a “freestanding mathematics qualification” (FSMQ) that is considered equivalent to an AS level and carries UCAS points.

U&A Mathematics will help you understand and apply clear mathematical reasoning to real-life problems, analyse and interpret data in various contexts and confidently deal with everyday financial mathematics. This course includes a financial management element helping you to understand the impact of interest rates on loans and investments.

These practical mathematical skills will also help you with other A level subjects such as sciences, geography, business studies, psychology and economics.

Universities have already come out in strong support of U&A Mathematics qualifications (generally known as “Core Maths”); even subjects such as history now recognise the importance of the statistical and critical analysis and problem solving skills learned on this course. Employers from all different sectors are also firmly behind U&A Mathematics qualifications. Many roles in today’s workspace require high levels of budget management and problem-solving skills which are valuable assets in today’s working environment. U&A Mathematics will help equip you with these skills.

More information about Using and Applying Mathematics can be found in the subject film below or in our Sixth Form Prospectus (on our website).