Maiden Erlegh


Visual Arts Loan Collection

Visual Arts Lending Library (VALL)


Telephone: 0118 9262467

The Visual Arts Loan Collection is a service offered by Maiden Erlegh Community Arts to partner schools. Other schools or groups may use the library at the discretion of the Community Arts Manager. Please contact us to enquire.

For images of loan items, you can visit Community Arts Flickr Gallery. View the images in the photostream or view as a set. Filter according to item type using 'tags'.

Items may be booked for loan by your Arts Coordinator. To book items, first read the terms and conditions of loan. Download the booking request sheet from the panel to the left. Complete and return it by email, post or fax to Community Arts.

Partner schools should have a printed copy of the loan catalogue (images and index) and booking request forms.  NB:  the terms and conditions and the booking forms here are the latest versions (May 2013).

VALL Catalogue Index

VALL Terms and Conditions

VALL Booking Form