Maiden Erlegh


Year 11

All letters regarding Year 11 students for the current academic year (Sept 2019 - July 2020) will be available here.

Relevant parents will be notified of the addition of letters by email. Students will also be asked to note the date of new letters in their homework diary.

  1. Sixth Form Arrangements for September 2020 pdf File
  2. Year 10, 11 and 13 - Appeals Process Summer 2020 pdf File
  3. Year 11 and 13 - Letter for Y11 and Y13 Students from Mary Davies CEO - 21 August 2020 pdf File
  4. Year 11 - Post Results Day Letter - August 2020 pdf File
  5. Year 11-12 -Sixth Form Arrangements for opening in September 2020 - July pdf File
  6. Year 11 - GCSE Results Day Planning 2020 - July 2020 pdf File
  7. Year 7 - 11 New Resources Letter - April 2020 pdf File
  8. Year 11 and 13 - MET LETTER FOR Y11 Y13 PARENTS - April 2020 pdf File
  9. Letter to students Summer 2020 grading - April 2020 pdf File
  10. Year 11 and 13 - Key Stage 4 and 5 Examination Grades - March 2020 pdf File
  11. Year 11 - Examination Support and Key Dates Letter - March 2020 pdf File
  12. Year 11 - Year Book and Hoodie Letter - March 2020 pdf File
  13. Year 11 - Mathematics Walkthrough Letter - March 2020 pdf File
  14. Year 11 - Study & Exam Skills Day Letter - March 2020 pdf File
  15. Year 11 - Initial Prom & Rewards Letter - February 2020 pdf File
  16. Year 11 - Easter Revision Mornings Letter - February 2020 pdf File
  17. Year 11 - Revision Corridor Letter - January 2020 pdf File
  18. Year 11 - Mathematics Revision Question Cards - January 2020 pdf File
  19. Year 11 - Computing at A Level - January 2020 pdf File
  20. Years 10 - 13 - Trust Apprenticeship Parent Info Evening - January 2020 pdf File
  21. Years 7 - 11 - Parent Permission for Google Classroom Email - January 2020 pdf File
  22. Year 7-11 - Setting Benchmarks - The Process Explained - December 2019 pdf File
  23. Year 11 - Additional Language GCSE Letter - December 2019 pdf File
  24. Year 11 - Pastoral Day Mock Interviews -November 2019 pdf File
  25. Year 7-11 - Equipment for Learning Letter - November 2019 pdf File
  26. Year 11/12 - World Challenge - Ecuador 2021 - November 2019 pdf File
  27. Year 7-11 - Pastoral Day Letter - November 2019 pdf File
  28. Year 11 - Revision Corridor (21 October Onwards) - October 2019 pdf File
  29. Year 11 - Computing at A Level Letter - October 2019 pdf File
  30. Year 11 - Mathematics Walkthrough w/c Monday 21 Oct 2019 - October 2019 pdf File
  31. Year 11 - Welcome Back Letter - October 2019 pdf File
  32. Year 11 - Information Evening and Sixth Form Presentation - October 2019 pdf File
  33. Year 11 - Careers & Destinations Strategy & Careers Pack - September 2019 pdf File
  34. Year 11 - Sixth Form Open Evening - Thursday 10 October 2019 - September 2019 pdf File
  35. Year 11 - GCSE Art and Design Materials Contribution Letter - September 2019 pdf File
  36. Years 8-11 Target Setting Parent Letter - September 2019 pdf File
  37. Years 9 -11 Paid Employment Process Letter for Students U16 - September 2019 pdf File
  38. Year 11 - Parents' Meetings (October 2019) - September 2019 pdf File
  39. Year 11 - Parents' Meetings Map pdf File
  40. Year 11- Information Evening and Post 16 Initial Information - September 2019 pdf File